This recipe has been altered slightly to fit the scheme of the Green Diet.
Serves 4
This very versatile, very healthy drink, especially rich in antioxidants, can be the better part of your lunch, snack, or even breakfast (though I prefer a more robust and balanced start to the day), as well as a dessert partner accompanying a cookie or warm dessert muffin. I discovered it as a child, again visiting my grandmother in Alsace, where we picked many more wild blueberries in the forests than we could possibly eat in season. Blueberries freeze extremely well. Today, I buy quarts and quarts of blueberries at the height of their season from the farmers market for immediate freezing. Voilà, blueberries year-round. The following drink, an old-fashioned version of the modern smoothie (rien de nouveau sous le soleil -- nothing new under the sun!), includes a little kicker.
12 oz. frozen blueberries
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon of Chlorophyll (optional for the Green Diet)
2¼ cups 2 percent milk or low fat yogurt (for the Green Diet use golden yogurt (recipe on the healthynet website) once a week or soy milk or a couple of bananas.
Pinch of ground cardamom
1. Take blueberries out of freezer 30 minutes before using.
2. Mix the blueberries in a blender with the lemon juice, honey, Chlorophyll and milk or yogurt or water.
Add a sprinkle cardamom before serving
The original recipe can be found from the book French Women Don't Get Fat @